Syntastic から vim-vimlint が呼び出されるようになったみたい

3.4.0 2014-03-17 7.0

  • Added vimlint checker for VimL (@lcd047)
Syntastic - Automatic syntax checking : vim online

でもでも, watchdogs は非同期で動くからいいけど, 同期でしか動けない(ですよね?) syntastic において, vim-vimlint の遅さは悪だと思う.

undocumented な機能つかっているじゃんかーーーとかおもってたら, help に書いてあった. びっくりした.

+function! SyntaxCheckers_vim_vimlint_GetLocList() dict
+    " EVL102: unused variable v
+    " EVL103: unused argument v
+    " EVL105: global variable v is defined without g:
+    " EVL201: unreachable code
+    " EVL204: constant in conditional context
+    " EVL205: missing scriptencoding
+    " value 3: the message is a warning
+    "
+    " References: :help vimlint-errorcode and :help vimlint-variables
+    return vimlint#vimlint(expand('%'), {
+        \ 'output': function('s:vimlintOutput'),
+        \ 'quiet':  1,
+        \ 'EVL102': 3,
+        \ 'EVL103': 3,
+        \ 'EVL105': 3,
+        \ 'EVL201': 3,
+        \ 'EVL204': 3,
+        \ 'EVL205': 3 })
New checker: vimlint. · vim-syntastic/syntastic@87e237a · GitHub

@ynkdir さんによる宣伝の効果らしい

Here is a syntax checker for VimL.

answered Dec 11 '13 at 15:29 ynkdir

vim - syntax-check a VimL script - Stack Overflow

ありがたいですが, vim 本体がチェック機能を提供して, vim-vimlint なんて使わないのが一番良いですよね.

VimL is a pain in the rear of a language, and it's good to have a high quality checker for it.

Checker for vim scripts · Issue #725 · vim-syntastic/syntastic · GitHub